Pars Foundation

Pars Tackle Health

Promoting positive attitudes towards good health and fitness in primary school children.

The ‘Pars Tackle Health’ programme aims to promote positive attitudes towards good health and fitness in primary school children, using professional footballers as role models. It helps to consolidate the Learning Outcomes covered in Health & Wellbeing, throughout their Primary School education.

Two DAFC players and a coach from the Pars Foundation visit each participating primary school, accompanied by former schoolteachers, Gennaro Giudice and Sandy Wyse who coordinate the workshops and introduces the players.Lesson Outline:

1. Players describe a typical day in the life of a professional footballer, stressing the importance of a healthy diet, of drinking lots of water and of getting plenty of rest and sleep, as well as the benefits of regular physical exercise on health and wellbeing. A DVD may be used to show the players going through their daily training routines. The players also describe their match day preparations.

2. Q&A session, in which pupils are given the opportunity to ask the players questions relating to football and/or health and fitness.

3. Players and coach then take the class for a practical session, either in a games hall or outdoors. Players may demonstrate skills, which pupils can copy and practise, finishing with a small-sided game of football.

4. Pupils and players return to the classroom for a photo opportunity and autograph signings. Participating schools will be offered complimentary U-12 Season Tickets which can be used to accompany selected pupils to Pars home league games

5. Evaluation forms, to be completed and returned to DAFC, are issued to the class and their teacher.

6. Resources for follow up work are sent to the class teacher, immediately after the visit.Learning Outcomes
» Diet – healthy eating is important as it produces positive benefits throughout life.
» Physical Fitness – regular exercise is beneficial to all aspects of health and wellbeing.
» Teamwork – learning to work constructively with others is an important life skill.
» Motivation – the development of desire and focus is the key to success in any arena.

Pars Tackle Health named SPFL Trust Community Project of the Year 2018 - Read More

Teacher Feedback

Preparation materials were thorough and covered all relevant aspects of the programme covered during the visit.Suggested questions for the players were very helpful. Pupils used these to compose additional relevant questions of their own.
The players` talk was pitched at an appropriate level, of good length and of real interest to our learners. They enjoyed hearing about the training routines the players use to keep themselves fit and healthy. The introductory PowerPoint really grabbed the children`s interest as the statistics were quite shocking! Gennaro did a very good job of guiding the conversation and helping the players recognise the important points that needed to be discussed.

The video clip was very good. It allowed the pupils to refocus their attention using a different media. They enjoyed the action during games and training. The pupil Q and A was very well managed. Gennaro helped the players to identify the key points and ensured that they were able to contribute meaningfully to the discussion. He also asked pertinent follow up questions to enable the players to expand on a particular subject. David and Lewis were very gracious in giving additional time to be interviewed by our own school radio station and was much appreciated.

The practical session was excellent. Tom kept all our pupils engaged even though some were initially reluctant. He was well prepared with ideas and equipment and used humour very skillfully to engage the whole class. The session was a thoroughly worthwhile and enjoyable afternoon which fitted perfectly into our HWB programme. We look forward to continuing the strong partnership we have built with the Pars next year.

Greig Howden-McLean
Carnegie PS

Feedback from a recent visit to Carnegie PS (Jan 2024)
I would like to say a huge thank you for visiting our classes at Carnegie. The teachers and pupils alike, thoroughly enjoyed the sessions immensely.

Your time and thought that was put into the planning and preparation of this was evident and very much appreciated. The delivery was seamless and professional, as usual.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to Kyle, Max and the coaches for giving up their precious time for our pupils. Their passion and dedication to the sport and Dunfermline Athletic were a true inspiration to the children.

I have attached some photos and completed evaluations. The House Captains collated the pupils` views in one document.

On a personal note, seeing the children`s faces light up in astonishment when Kyle Benedictus entered our classroom will always stay with me. Children often forget what they learn in school but never forget how they felt; this experience will be one that they will always remember.

Many thanks again and I hope to see you again next year!

Julie Munro
P7 Class Teacher
Carnegie PS


Teacher Feedback
My colleague and I would like to thank you so much for arranging our visit today. The active session in the hall, the input via the slides and the question and answer sessions with the players were excellent. The children were so engaged and both Liam and Chris described their role and the importance of a healthy lifestyle so well as professional athletes. We couldn’t believe Liam had never visited a school in this capacity before, as he responded so well to the questions. Liam and Chris also kindly signed autographs for the children afterwards.
Please pass on our thanks and appreciation. We look forward to another visit soon.
Thanks again,

Hilary Brown and Lucy Shields
Lynburn Primary School

Milesmark Primary School

Our children were excited and thrilled to meet the players and fascinated to learn about their working day.
The fact that Lennon still attends school engaged them and helped them understand their level of commitment.
The video clip was pitched at the right level and provided a real insight into the life of a footballer.
The players replies to the pupil`s questions were informative and good humoured - they could have chatted all day!
The practical session was very positive and the children loved that the players joined in.
The whole session was a huge success and left our pupils really thinking about their own fitness, nutrition and sleep. A longer session next time, if possible, would be great.

`As always, the visit was well organised and the lesson content was appropriate, with a good balance of listening and practical activities. The children were very engaged and motivated throughout the session. The video link was excellent - not too long but delivered the message. The children really enjoyed the practical session which was well organised and skills taught were appropriate. Danny and Lee were friendly and interacted well with the children, answering all their questions clearly and honestly. It was great to have the players in person.

Commercial Primary School

Our children were enthused to hear about the daily life of a professional footballer. The session was well prepared with pre and post-workshop tasks. The video clip was great for discussion prompts and gave a good insight into the players’ training routine. The players gave very honest responses in the Q&A session and interacted really well with the children. The games session featured a great warm up that engaged the learners. All in all, a very positive experience which we hope to continue with the Pars for many years to come.
St Margaret’s Primary School

We knew about the Pars Tackle Health visit well in advance and received detailed information about its content and ideas to prepare our children for it. Our pupils were very engaged and enthusiastic during the player talk. Those who sometimes struggle to listen for long periods were noticeably more engaged than usual. The video clip was very engaging and gave a great insight into a professional footballer’s daily routine.

The children really enjoyed the games session and the players responded brilliantly to them. The entire session was very engaging for our children. They loved finding out more about the daily routines of footballers and having the opportunity to play football with them. They are all also very excited about their free tickets. Thank you for coming to Lynburn, It is something that the children will be talking about for a long time!
Lynburn Primary School

The Pars Tackle Health afternoon was excellent from start to finish. The visit was well prepared and very informed. The player talk was brilliant and both Lee and Lewis answered all the children’s questions really well and very honestly, with lots of detail. The games session was fantastic and the highlight of the visit for most of our pupils. They were also delighted to receive a complimentary ticket for the next home match and are very excited at the prospect of visiting East End Park. As always, a super session, very informative and with great links to our health curriculum.
Touch Primary School

The children really enjoyed the Pars visit and learned a great deal about fitness and healthy living. Enclosed are some thank you letters to show their appreciation. Many thanks.
Blairhall PS.

The player talk was very good and the children were fully engaged. The children’s questions were well answered at an appropriate level. The children loved the games session and were excited with the autographs and photo opportunity.
St John’s PS

The player talk was interesting and engaging. There was good interaction from pupils with staff and players. The children were really interested in the players’ answers to their questions which were very relevant to all aspects of health and wellbeing. The children really enjoyed the practical session but would have liked more time for it.
Kelty PS.

Pupil Comments

Thank you for visiting our school and giving us the chance to take part in the Pars Tackle Health programme. You inspired us to be confident and never give up on our dreams. The games we played were great fun and helped us to improve our football skills. John Potter`s story was very inspiring. It`s brilliant that he comes from our village and went to our school. At the end of his playing career, he stayed with the Pars as a coach and now helps young players to become better footballers. It is good to have aspirations for our health, fitness and future. I am going to eat more healthy and become more active from now on.

St Serf`s PS, High Valleyfield.

“I enjoyed hearing about all the training the players do to stay really fit and the food they eat to keep them healthy.”

“I was surprised at how many things the players are not allowed to eat and that they eat their lunch and breakfast at the club.”

“I’m going to eat more fruit and veg and less takeaways or oily stuff and eat and drink less sugary stuff.”

“I’m going to exercise more and learn new football tricks.”

“It was great to get our picture taken with the players and getting the chance to play football with them. I would have liked the game to have been longer but we had to go in because it was nearly home time.”

“It was really good of the Pars players to come to our school. Can you come for the whole day next time. Thank you for coming to Lynburn.”

``I wish we’d had about an hour longer because the time went so fast! It was lots of good fun though. and thank you for the ticket to the next game. I think I will be there to support the team onwards.``

``I enjoyed the visit and it was great fun to play lots of games. Thank you for coming in ant teaching us about football and being healthy.``

``Even though I’m not personally into football, I loved to hear about what players go through every day and it’s actually quite interesting and cool.``

``Thank you for coming to visit my class and giving us some very useful tips and pointers about how to stay active and healthy. I enjoyed it very much.``

``You gave us lots of useful information about health. It was well presented and I think all of us will use these skills. You should keep doing this to help other pupils in other schools.``

“ I will start to eat more healthy food than fast food because fast food has too much fat and salt in it.’’

“I was surprised to learn that every player has their own special training routine to get the best out of them.”

“The video gave lots of information that was useful. I enjoyed hearing about the players daily routine and the football game was great fun.”

“I loved the talk and training and the video of the players in their fantastic new gym.”

“I didn’t know the players have to eat really healthy and I liked to hear about what they have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

“It was a great learning experience. We learned that if you don’t look after your health you will lose it. I’m going to eat more healthy and exercise more.”

I really enjoyed hearing about the life of a pro footballer and what food they eat to stay healthy.

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